Fabiane Baxewanos works in EU refugee law in Brussels. She publishes and lectures on the subjects of international human rights, refugee protection and EU migration law.
Joachim Becker is an associate professor at the Institute for International Economics and Development at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. His areas of interest include integration and disintegration processes in Europe, especially in the peripheries.
Julia Eder is a research assistant at the Department of Political and Development Research at the Institute of Sociology of the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. Her focus lies on comparative regionalism research in South-South cooperation.
Stefan Ederer is an economist in Vienna and works on macroeconomics, economic policy, financial markets, inequality and ecological economics.
Julianna Fehlinger is active within the food sovereignty movement and Attac Austria. She works for the Austrian organisation of small-scale and mountain farmers (ÖBV – Via Campesina Austria).
Manuel Grebenjak works on environmental policy and is active within the climate justice movement System Change, Not Climate Change! and Attac Austria.
Ralph Guth is a political scientist and student of law. He is a member of the board of Attac Austria, where he is particularly active in matters pertaining to the crisis, the EU and corporate power.
Johannes Jäger is a professor of economics at the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna. His research interests include the political economy of Europe and Latin America.
Elisabeth Klatzer is a political economist and board member of Attac Austria. She is committed to a democratic, socially just transformation and to feminist alternatives in the economy.
Martin Konecny is a political scientist and coordinator of the trade policy network Seattle to Brussels.
Markus Koza is an economist and serves as federal secretary of the AUGE/UG (Alternative, Green and Independent Trade Unionists). He also represents independent trade unionists on the board and federal committee of the Austrian Trade Union Federation.
Christine Mayrhuber is an economist with research interests in social security, income distribution and redistribution. She was formerly the head of BEIGEWUM.
Lisa Mittendrein is a sociologist and socio-economist. Her work at Attac Austria covers the euro crisis, financial markets and taxes.
Andreas Novy is a board member of the Institute for Multilevel Governance and Development at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Lukas Oberndorfer is a scholar in Vienna and studies how the authoritarian turn has limited democracy and fundamental rights in post-crisis Europe in the aim of entrenching neoliberal policies.
James O’Nions heads the activism team at Global Justice Now/Attac UK. He is a long-time activist and critic of globalisation and previously served as co-editor of the independent, leftist/green magazine Red Pepper.
Thomas Roithner is a peace researcher, journalist and habilitated lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna (www.thomasroithner.at).
Bue Rübner Hansen conducts research on the “good life in common” at Aarhus University, with reference to municipalism, migration and social movement.
Christa Schlager is an economist and editor of Kurswechsel, the official German-language magazine of BEIGEWUM.
Etienne Schneider is a political scientist researching the political economy of the EU and serves as editor of the magazine PROKLA. In 2017, his critical book on the euro, Raus aus dem Euro – rein in die Abhängigkeit?, was published by VSA-Verlag.
Valentin Schwarz is a historian. His work for Attac Austria covers trade policy, the euro crisis and political communication.
Alexandra Strickner is political economist and co-founder of Attac Austria. She is an expert in EU trade and agricultural policy and works on issues pertaining to social-ecological transformation.
Simon Theurl is a political economist and serves as lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna and a member of the board at BEIGEWUM. For Attac Austria, he works on issues relating to trade.
Michael Torner is an electrical engineer and teaches at the Department of Renewable Energy at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. His work at Attac Austria covers trade, climate and energy policy.
Peter Wahl studied social sciences and Romance studies in Mainz, Aix-en-Provence and Frankfurt am Main. He is co-founder of Attac Germany and member of its scientific council.
David Walch is a communication scientist and historian and serves as Attac Austria’s press officer.
Carla Weinzierl is the director of NeSoVe (Network for Social Responsibility). She is an Attac Austria board member and is active in the Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement and the environmental movement System Change, Not Climate Change!
Manuela Zechner is a cultural worker, researcher and facilitator. Her work focuses primarily on social movements, group processes and subjectivity and migration.